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J. Michael Grimm

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J. Michael Grimm is a Senior Associate at Monteleone & McCrory with extensive active litigation experience. Michael is known as a highly talented litigator because of his success in court both at motion and writ practice and in trials.


After a few years of conducting small trials, he began serving as second chair at several court and jury trials (including those with verdicts for Monteleone & McCrory clients in the millions of dollars). Mr. Grimm has defended a $7 million claim as lead counsel for a defendant contractor in a jury trial conducted in Orange County Superior Court.  He has also actively participated in arbitrations including a recent victory for a Monteleone & McCrory client with an award of over $2 million. Most recently, he favorably settled a five-year industrial accident personal injury case in Central California involving dozens of expert witnesses’ depositions and multiple parties just before the onset of a jury trial. Mr. Grimm has extensive experience in presenting and examining witnesses and offering evidence at trial as well as cross-examining adverse witnesses including expert witnesses, in arbitrations, court trials, and a seven-week jury trial.


Mr. Grimm’s practice focuses on all forms of business, including contracts, construction, contract negotiation and formation, real estate litigation, administrative law, including hearings, court and arbitration proceedings, court trials, jury trials and appellate writs.


He has extensive court motion practice in most Southern California counties including the making and defending of discovery motions seeking document production, further interrogatory responses, and site inspections. In addition, he has appeared in Court advancing Writs, including bid protests, at both trial and on appeal.


He has extensive deposition experience as well as having taken or defended dozens of depositions including those of expert witnesses and videotaped depositions. He has also been involved in the investigation of construction and other work sites, as a representative at site inspections and field testing, actively directing the operations to secure evidence for later use at trial.


Mr. Grimm stands ready to aggressively and effectively represent Monteleone & McCrory clients with contract issues and in advancing or defending litigation they have to address. In doing so, he is well aware of the cost of litigation -- and of legal services in general -- and has dedicated himself to being as cost efficient in advancing his clients’ interests as he is in advancing his own.

T:  213.612.9900
F:  213.612.9930


  • Contract Law

  • Litigation



  • University of St. Thomas School of Law (J.D., 2013)

  • Loyola Marymount University (B.A., 2007)

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